Tuesday, February 15, 2011

"Guess How Much I Love You" Cards

Did you have a Happy Valentine's Day? I missed posting because I was spending some time with my sweetie. We didn't do much and actually fell asleep on the couch kind of early, but there's something about just sitting and "being there" together. Instead of holing up in the office as I often do, I decided to take the night off to be with my hubs. I hope you were also enjoying some time with loved ones.

Over the last several years, I've really made an effort to make Valentine's Day more of a celebration about the kids and less about flowers and date nights. We get heart-shaped pizza for dinner and break out the heart-shaped cookie cutters to cut everything from Jello Jigglers to pancakes and sandwiches. I help the kids make their valentines for friends at school (which I somehow forgot to take pictures of!?!) and I also made special cards for them. You may remember my cards from last year. (Click here to see them.) I hope to continue this each year and make them cards that express how much we love them individually and at the same time, capture some of what makes them special as they grow and change each year.

Here is what I came up for their 2011 valentines:

The front is very simple. I printed the text on Whisper White cardstock and then added the punched hearts.

On the inside, I die cut Scallop Envelopes from designer series paper. In each envelope were heart punch-outs, on which I wrote comparisons of how much I loved them. Each one was different. Each kid had 3-4 hearts in their envelope. Here's a sample of each of the kids:
  • Thomas - I love you..."More than every level of every Mario game," (He LOVES Super Mario Bros.)
  • Claire - I love you..."More than all the stuffed animals in your bed" (Sometimes I don't know how there is room for her!)
  • Elise - I love you..."More than all the twinkle stars in the sky" (Her favorite song to sing)
  • Anna - I love you..."More than all the jars of baby food you won't eat" (She's almost 9 months old and still refuses to eat baby food. We're starting to give her table food, which she loves.)
I plan to save their valentines each year and I hope someday they will appreciate the glimpse into their childhood and know how very much we love them!

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  1. What a gorgeous idea! And I just had to check out your last year cards and they are delightful too!

  2. Julie, this post brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful gift for your children and such a meaningful way to use your talent! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  3. What an adorable idea, Julie! I love it!

  4. You have a wonderful tradition for Valentine's Day, Julie - perfect, family is always first and foremost! I love your Valentine with the little envelope - it's so perfect and I'm saving that idea for next year.
