Friday, July 27, 2012

One Million Milestone + Blog Candy

With all the other excitement from Convention, I forgot to pay attention... but sometime last week, my blog hit counter surpassed ONE MILLION! I can hardly wrap my head around that number. When I started this blog four years ago, I has excited to get 1,000 hits!

To celebrate this milestone, I'm giving away two prizes! In a recent closet clean-out of my stamp room, I found two "Purse Your Art" purses that are brand new and never used. The company that made them is now closed, but you can check out their blog with samples at Purse Your Art. You can decorate the purse with your cards and backgrounds and change it out as often as you want to coordinate with an outfit or season.

To enter to win, leave a comment on this blog post. As part of your comment, please also tell me how you follow my blog: whether you come directly each day or week or whether you receive my posts by email, Facebook, or other feed. I'm curious to know all the ways you find me each day that added up to 1 million hits!

Thank you!! From the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the time that you take to visit my blog. I appreciate all the comments (please leave more!) and all of the friendship and support you have given me! Here's to one million more...

Click HERE to Order Stampin' Up! Products Online, Anytime!


  1. Julie,
    Congratulations on a million hits. I have been following for about a year through facebook. Thanks for the inspiration and generousity!

  2. I follow you through Google Reader. What a neat giveaway and an awesome achievement!

  3. WOW! Congratulations on the Million blog hits! How amazing it is to gain that achievement! I follow usually daily, or every other day either on your blog directly or on Facebook! Thank you for all of your inspiration

  4. A big congratulations, Julie!
    Wowza! I'm always checking on you, either f/b or your blog, and I always find something fun!

  5. Hello Julie-congrats! That's a bunch! I follow the blog just about daily. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Andrea H.

  6. Hey, Julie. I love your blog. I check it out almost everyday and if you post on Facebook, then I go to the blog from there. Thanks for all your ideas. Hope I win the blog candy!

  7. Hello there, congrats on this milestone.I visit you everyday by marking your blog as a favourite and I have you listed under the heading TOP TEN. I find that with a subscription they come much later. This way I can have my morning cuppa tea checking out my TOP TEN blogs. Thanks for all of your ideas and your willingness to share them. Congrats again

  8. Wow, that's amazing! Congrats. :)
    I follow your blog via Google Reader.

  9. Congrats! Love seeing your projects emailed to me via Feed Blitz every day!

  10. Congratulations! I follow you on Facebook and on your blog daily via FeedBlitz. You are an amazing stamper and a daily inspiration!! Chris

  11. Hi Julie - I love following your blog via FeedBlitz (though sometimes the blogs fall off the list and I have to go back and sign up again). Congratulations on all of your followers. I'm sure they are all here for the same reason I am. . .all of the great ideas. Thanks so much for sharing!

  12. Hi Julie! Congrats on hitting 1 million!

    I've followed your blog in a couple of ways. Previously, I followed using Networked Blogs on Facebook. Now, I just use the Google Friends RSS feed so I get each and EVERY post! I hate missing out!

    Keep up the inspiration and here's to another 1 million hits!

  13. Hi Julie
    I am new to your blog, in fact a friend told me about it last week when you were at convention. I subscribe by email, and have been delighted with the cards you post. First thing I do when I find a new blog is go back in history and look for samples that appeal to me. I like, I subscribe!! I am a new blogger myself, and sometimes it is hard to get motivated to post every day when you have 2 people who visit :) My upline in SU referred to my blog a couple weeks ago, and that was a kicker :) I'll keep at it, and glad you did too.

  14. I follow you using google reader on my android phone. I follow just a handfull of stampin up demonstrators as examples and inspiration for my own relatively new business. Hopefully we can meet in person someday at a convention.


  15. Congrats! I look at your blog each day and also receive your monthly newsletter. You always have such nice projects and tips. Thank you!

  16. Julie,

    I check your site 3-5 days a week. Thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us!

    Tracey N.

  17. Holy cow over a million hits - that's amazing!! You're an inspiration to so many people. I follow you by email and tryto read it every day.

  18. Congrats! What an accomplishment!! You come up on my email and I love reading your blog! And great blog candy!

  19. Well done! Here's to another million!

  20. WOW - congrats!

    I visit your blog through FeedBlitz e-mails.

  21. Wow, congrats to you!! I'm not sure where I originally found you but I follow through Google Reader. Thanks for the inspiration and chance to win!

  22. You are more amazing every day! I visit your blog daily, sometimes more than once a day if I get interrupted and have to go back, or need to go back when I get home to my stmap room to case something you've done. Thanks for all your inspiration Julie, you're a great stampin' friend!

  23. Congratulations and thank you for all the inspiration. I found you via a pin on pinterest, and now pop here regularly for a dose of inspiration.

  24. i found your blog via Pinterest a couple of weeks ago. I've really enjoyed your designs. Thanks for sharing them!

  25. Congratulations! Such a momentous occasion. I follow you through Google Reader. Here's to your next million! :)

  26. Wow, 1 million hit...congratulations! I stop by to check out your blog almost daily. Lots of inspiration ? Thank you!
