Here's another project from Stampin' Up! -- a blessings journal! I used a keep a journal like this. Every night before bed, I would write down 5 things that made me happy that day. It was a nice way to focus on all the good things instead of dwelling on the bad things.

You can make your own blessings journal. Start with the
5x5 Art Journal from Stampin' Up!
(#108495, $6.95) and decorate the cover. Then, start writing!
here to see a complete list of supplies for this project.
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My card group started something similar to this idea in Jan. We just have a page for each month and have to narrow down "the" most important blessing of the day. Some days that is very difficult. I think next year I'll do the five things like you suggest. Thanks.
Gorgeous creation sweetie, I love it!
What GREAT idea! I have a day of creating in my creative corner planned for ALL DAY tomorrow...I might "borrow" your idea :) Hope you dont mind
This is a great project! And keeping a journal like that is a great way to get through each day : ) Hugs!
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